Dragon Age Inquisition - Achievements List [Xbox One - 360]

    Dragon Age Inquisition - Achievements List [Xbox One - 360]

    Dragon Age Inquisition - Achievements List [Xbox One - 360]


    Here is the complete list of Dragon Age: Inquisition Xbox One and 360 Achievements



    Raise the Inquisition to rank 10.

    30 G


    Reach level 20 in single player mode.

    30 G


    Recruit 10 agents of the Inquisition in a single playthrough.

    15 G


    Fully upgrade a throne.

    15 G


    Collect 50 herbs in Skyhold's garden in a single playthrough.

    15 G


    Triggers a cross-class combo with one of the characters you control (single player).

    15 G


    Get a mount.

    15 G


    Complete a timed assignment at the War Table.

    15 G

    A world in ruins

    Progress through the story to unlock this achievement.

    100 G

    Evil eyes and evil heart

    Progress through the story to unlock this achievement.

    15 G

    In your heart it will burn

    Progress through the story to unlock this achievement.

    15 G

    Eternal opposition

    Progress through the story to unlock this achievement.

    15 G

    The wrath of heaven

    Progress through the story to unlock this achievement.

    15 G

    Just say the Word

    Progress through the story to unlock this achievement.

    15 G

    Those who stand up

    Progress through the story to unlock this achievement.

    15 G

    Precious ties

    Progress through the story to unlock this achievement.

    15 G

    On fiery wings

    Progress through the story to unlock this achievement.

    15 G

    The consequences of pride

    Progress through the story to unlock this achievement.

    15 G

    Here lies the abyss

    Progress through the story to unlock this achievement.

    15 G

    Heavy hand

    Deal over 1.000 damage with one hit in single player mode.

    15 G

    Reception star

    Get the full approval of the Orlesian court.

    15 G


    Purchase a new decorative element for Skyhold.

    15 G


    Enchant or upgrade a piece of equipment in single player mode.

    15 G


    Craft a weapon or piece of armor in single player mode.

    15 G

    The brightest of their time

    Progress through the story to unlock this achievement.

    30 G


    Defeat 2.500 enemies in single player mode.

    15 G

    Demon Slayer

    Defeat 1.000 demons in single player mode.

    15 G


    Collect 250 code entries in a single playthrough.

    15 G


    Befriend at least three members of your small entourage in one playthrough.

    15 G


    Earn at least 50.000 gold across all single player playthroughs.

    15 G

    Interesting reads

    Discover a velfuoco rune.

    15 G

    Acute eyesight

    Find and recover a fragment found from an ocularum.

    15 G

    In the saddle

    Buy or get five different mounts of any kind.

    15 G


    Complete the single player campaign on at least Hard difficulty without lowering the difficulty.

    30 G


    Upgrade a skill once in single player mode.

    15 G


    Discover a bivouac and set up an Inquisition camp in an area of ​​the moors.

    15 G

    Destined for glory

    Close 75 gashes in a single playthrough.

    30 G


    Complete 20 procurement requests in a single playthrough.

    15 G

    Ruin of dragons

    Kill 10 tall dragons in single player mode.

    30 G

    Experienced alchemist

    Upgrade alchemical potions, bombs or tonics 30 times in a single playthrough.

    15 G

    Expert creator

    Craft an item with level 4 materials in each non-prized piece slot (single player).

    15 G


    Spend 10 points in a single skill tree with any single player character.

    15 G


    Unlock 15 astrariums in a single playthrough.

    15 G

    Dragon Slayer

    Kill a tall dragon in single player mode.

    15 G


    Free three fortresses in a single playthrough.

    15 G


    Discover a bivouac and set up at least one Inquisition camp in 10 areas of the moors.

    15 G


    Choose a class specialization.

    15 G

    Supreme commander

    Complete 50 tasks or operations in a single playthrough.

    15 G


    Complete the single player campaign on Nightmare level without lowering the difficulty.

    90 G

    Master of keys

    Enter the heart of the Solas'an Temple.

    15 G

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