How to get free V-Buck in Fortnite

You are a video game enthusiast and have been having a lot of fun with lately Fortnite: Epic Games' famous Battle Royale title, which you have only recently started but which is already giving you a lot of satisfactions. In this regard, since you intend to play it for a long time, you would like to clarify some doubts regarding certain mechanics, especially relating to the system of transactions within the title.

How do you say? That's right and you're wondering, then, how to get free V-Buck in Fortnite, as you would like to own as many of these virtual coins as possible, without putting your hand to your wallet? In that case, you will be happy to know that there are official methods to achieve your intent, and that you have come to the right place to learn more.

In fact, in this tutorial I am going to analyze just how the V-Buck obtaining system works, obviously focusing on what you can do for free. What do you say? Are you ready? Yup? Perfect, then sit down comfortably and follow the quick directions that you can find below. I can assure you that it will not take that long: having said that, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


V-Buck: what they are and what they are for

How to get free V-Buck in Fortnite

Before going into the details of the procedures on how to get free V-Bucks in Fortnite, I think it's important that you are completely clear about how this works and how you can use this in-game currency.

Well, the V-Buck are used for the purchase of elements through the so-called Item shop, accessible from the main Fortnite page. What can you get by spending these virtual coins? Mainly skin, ergo costumes that change the aesthetic appearance of the character or weapons, but in reality there are also elements like the emote, used to communicate within the game, through dances or actions that express emotions. In any case, the proposals of the Object Shop they change frequently, on a daily or weekly basis, so there is always something to discover.

Net of this, what is generally a staple of every season of Fortnite is the so-called Pass Battle, that is a system that in its paid version (which generally costs 950 V-Buck or a greater number of V-Bucks if referring to a bundle with additional benefits, such as additional levels, included) allows you to unlock a large number of exclusive rewards, to which otherwise you would not have access with the simple free progression system. Typically refers to aesthetic elements available only in the current season.

In any case, the V-Bucks are shared between the free PvP mode Battle royal (the one that has become extremely popular, which sees many players compete in the Battle Royale) and in the PvE one called Save the world, which however has a cost that usually amounts to 15,99 € (I will therefore avoid mentioning any rewards of that mode in this guide, as it is clearly not a free system and in general Save the World has now been a bit set aside in the Fortnite project). So I am going to consider i free methods to get V-Buck in Battle Royale mode.

Get V-Buck for free on Fortnite

How to get free V-Buck in Fortnite

To enable you to achieve your goal, at this juncture I will explain how to get free V-Buck in Fortnite Chapter 3 (Season 1 of the latter was launched at the end of 2021), but in reality Epic Games does not generally change the reward system (the big change came when the Battle stars, but now for quite a while you shouldn't get into this mechanic anymore), so you shouldn't have too many problems with possibly other Chapters as well.

In any case, if your intent is to get free V-Buck on Fortnite, you must know that the procedure you can follow is essentially one: you need to go through the Free Battle Pass, regardless of the platform on which you have decided to download the game. So that you are wondering, for example, how to get free V-Buck in Fortnite for PS4 o how to get free V-Buck in Fortnite for Nintendo Switch (or for other consoles, mobile devices and PCs), this is the part of the guide for you, as I am going to examine the official method made available directly by Epic Games.

In this regard, as I will explain to you in the chapter dedicated to scams, be wary of third-party services promising to get you free V-Bucks or claiming to give them away - are they pranksters or in the worst case of scams of various kinds. That said, all you just need to do is play Fortnite and accumulate Battle Stars. Let me explain: each level obtained within the Epic Games title generally equates to "putting in your pocket" 5 star battle. The latter are then used to unlock the pages of the Battle Pass and their respective rewards.

Fortnite works in Seasons, or every time a few months pass are revised all rewards of the Battle Pass. This means that a Battle Pass is only valid for one Season and that each Season is a story in itself. In any case, in the span of a single Fortnite Season there are usually 10 pages of the Battle Pass, which include within them myriads of rewards, some unlockable so totally free and others instead requesting the Battle Pass for a fee (which I mentioned in the previous chapter).

How to get free V-Buck in Fortnite

Why am I explaining all this to you? Simple, in the context of rewards obtainable for free (i.e. those without padlock, but you can still see all the details by clicking on the appropriate box) sometimes also include gods V-Buck packages (generally from 100 units). You have probably already understood the method to reach your goal: play, go up by level, set aside the right number of Battle stars and then use the latter to redeem the Free V-Buck associated with the Battle Pass.

All very simple, right? However, there is one aspect to take into consideration: the V-Bucks available in this way are often bestowed very sparingly, so much so that to get to the coveted 950 V-Buck required for paid Battle Pass without spending anything (and therefore "turning" the whole experience, as then with the paid Battle Pass you can potentially unlock even more V-Bucks) you may be required various Fortnite Seasons. In short, this is not a really convenient and quick method, but it is the only real way to get V-Buck without putting your hand in your wallet, so I wanted to deepen it.

For the rest, you may also be interested in consulting my tutorial on how to get free skins on Fortnite, so as to have more information also regarding the aesthetic elements. Either way, I'm sure you won't have too much trouble reaching your goal one way or another.

Alternative solutions to get V-Buck

How to get free V-Buck in Fortnite

Now that you are aware of the method designed by Epic Games to allow players to have free V-Bucks on Fortnite, I would say that it is good to briefly delve into the possibility for a fee, so that you can eventually get items from the Item Shop you care so much without running out of time.

Well, directly from the game, by pressing on the appropriate V-Buck icon, it is possible to pass by micro-transactions. Prices generally start from 7,99 euros for 1.000 V-Buck and they can go as far as 79,99 euros for 13.500 V-Buck. In any case, a lot depends on the active promotional initiatives, as it might as well be there discounts o extra coins.

As for the transaction itself, the procedure for the latter depends on the platform you are playing Fortnite from, but generally enough set up a valid payment method and follow the indicazioni that appear on the screen. For all the details of the case, I invite you to refer, for example, to my tutorials on how to pay on PlayStation Store, how to shop on Fortnite from PC and how to shop on Fortnite from PS4.

For the rest, there are also other interesting solutions, for example those relating to packages with code to redeem which you can buy on online store like Amazon. In that case you have to be careful to buy the package for the right platform, as well as then to redeem the code for Fortnite. In any case, if you have any doubts about it, you might want to check out my guide on how to get V-Buck on Fortnite.

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Beware of scams

How to get free V-Buck in Fortnite

Before I leave you, I want to get you some brief recommendations, advising you to be wary of third party websites that promise to be able to give skin e V-Buck for free.

In fact, unfortunately the success of Fortnite has also led to a increase of malicious people seeking to leverage the title for obtain sensitive data and more. In this context, unfortunately the promise of free V-Buck could be used as "Bait" to attract unsuspecting victims.

In short, stay away from anyone who promises you "magical methods", as you could put your account privacy is at serious risk. In simple terms, never enter your profile credentials in unofficial portals and possibly consider activating additional safety systems. For example, you might be interested in checking out my tutorial on how to enable 2FA on Fortnite (two-factor authentication is referred to).

For the rest, you may find it useful to take a look at my guide on how to contact Epic Games, so that in case of problems or doubts you can directly reach a team of experts ready to help you with your specific case.

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