Marvel Heroes Omega Review

Marvel Heroes Omega Review

Now, more than ever, superheroes are conquering the hearts of children and adults more and more, thanks to comics, but above all to cinecomics and video games; in fact, very few people now do not have a gaming platform with which to spend time, either for leisure or for passion. And if any of them are also fond of American comics and are exhausted by the sultry heat of this month, Marvel Heroes Omega comes to his aid, trying to entertain the user with a superhero MMO. Do you want to find out if the title has succeeded in its intent?

Marvel Heroes Omega Review

Avengers united!

Available now for free on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Marvel Heroes Omega is the transposition of the last one on console Marvel Heroes for PC. The title is a free-to-play MMO starring, as you can well imagine, most of the Marvel heroes; in fact there will be the most important characters, the most popular nowadays thanks to films. As soon as the game is launched we will find ourselves in a very basic initial menu, at least from the point of view of the setting, with the only possibility of starting the new adventure; at the same time, however, we will have the whole roster on the sides of the screen, which we found funny and right for the title in question. The opening video begins with a sequence in which Uatu, The Observer, will tell us about the events that started what we will experience in the game; in fact, one of the nicest features is certainly that of the animated sequences, which are nothing more than the pages of any comic from the US publishing house.

Marvel Heroes Omega ReviewWith a detachment that is not light, but rather annoying and "jerky", we find ourselves inside the game world: the first superhero with whom we will be given the commands is Steve Rogers, aka Captain America. Leaving aside for a moment the fact that the whole work is in English, the latter turn out to be very basic, mapped properly for the keys of the relative controller. Leveling up with the character it will be possible to insert up to 8 different attacks, greatly varying the set of moves available After dealing the worst blows to Ultron clones with the Captain, the tutorial will lead us to use Black Widow; one of the things we liked the most is that each hero has his own custom moveset: for example, Rogers was more powerful through melee attacks, while the Widow was more devastating from a distance. Arrived at the last part of the teaching we finally take possession of the Hulk, who will destroy everything in front of him (despite being very slow compared to the others). After having "smashed" some skulls, Ultron appears in front of us and after defeating him, we will finally find ourselves in the main hub, ready to start a new great adventure.

Marvel Heroes Omega ReviewWith great powers comes great responsibilities ...

After having defeated Ultron, as previously mentioned, we will find ourselves in the central command hub. From here, like every save point of every MMO on the shelves (digital and otherwise), it will be possible to meet other players, make contacts to do quests together, talk to the NPCs and continue the product story. Without spoiling the plot, it will be partially interesting, with a rather fluctuating quality level; as in most Marvel products, the heroes will find themselves facing a Victor Von Doom, aka Doctor Doom, intent (as always on the other hand) to want to conquer the world. The difficulty of the work turns out to be very easy, also thanks to the automatic restoration of life and the option to regenerate it by pressing the left trigger of the controller, which help to be immortal. The enemies do not help, unfortunately resulting in small threats or a little more; being the console port of Marvel Heroes, once the main campaign is over, it will be possible, however, to change the difficulty level to face the storyline with greater concerns, effectively increasing the level of challenge. All the characters are different both in terms of fighting style, both as movements. In fact, a Spider-Man will be more agile than a Hulk, but still less strong, while a Nova or an Iron Man will levitate and launch rays at a distance (consuming some stamina, able to recover immediately) thanks to their powers. And that's not all, as every time a more powerful enemy or boss comes down, upgrades will be released to implement for our hero. The characters are many and all with interchangeable costumes, some more, some less; these skins can be bought, even at prices that are not exactly cheap, changing only the aesthetic aspect. Worth noting is the offer for PS Plus subscribers of the free Daredevil skin based on the Netflix series; we do not know if it is also available for Xbox subscribers since the title has been tested by us on Sony PlayStation 4.

Marvel Heroes Omega ReviewMarvel: The Great Alliance? Ah no ...

Gazillion Entertainment's title is very similar to the old Marvel: The Great Alliance, title that in its time worked very well, while nowadays definitely a little less: the game is in fact already seen, showing the side both on the technical side and on the videogame one, with a not negligible background repetitiveness. Speaking of graphics, we can simply describe it as backward: the visual sector of Marvel Heroes Omega he is in fact old, in the sense that he is not at all in step with the times precisely because he is not cared for; sometimes there will also be important frame drops, which will be quite annoying for users. The sound sector is unfortunately not far behind, resulting only good in some situations also due to a medium-low level dubbing. In conclusion, Marvel Heroes Omega it is a good pastime for lovers of the genre, always considering that the time that will be spent on it will be very small, due to an underlying repetition that undoubtedly undermines the final score.

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