The PAKO 2 review

After the success of the original PAKO, three and a half years ago, the developers of Tree Men Games have seen fit to bring to Steam, the App Store and (shortly) Google Play a new episode of the series even richer, multifaceted and fun . The formula of PAKO 2 is the same as always: driving one of the various unlockable vehicles, with a bird's eye view, our job will be to pick up certain people and bring them quickly to an extraction area. The problem is that in all cases they are dangerous criminals, perhaps still wearing the loot of a big robbery, which means that along the way we will be chased by dozens and dozens of police cars, to which at some point we will they will also add helicopters.

The PAKO 2 review

In short, the mission will not be easy, and we will have to be quick to be able to get the maximum reward for each single race, but we will be able to respond to the fire of the police with the equipped weapon (which varies depending on the car), unlock momentary upgrades or take advantage of the turbo bar to quickly escape from particularly complicated situations. The control system of PAKO 2 is extremely simple: relying on automatic acceleration, just press the left and right side of the screen to steer in their respective directions, in a context related to the vehicle, or press both sides of the touch screen to brake and engage reverse. Driving takes place from the point of view of a physical system that on the one hand guarantees a pinch of realism to our evolutions, substantially modifying the handling of the vehicle when, for example, we find ourselves traveling an icy stretch, on the other it emphasizes the impacts to make the experience more engaging and spectacular.

And I pako!

No, rest assured: PAKO 2 is available on the App Store in premium format at a price of only € 2,29, and once you have paid this amount you will have the peace of mind of never incurring microtransactions or paywalls of any kind. The progression of the game, characterized by the unlocking of new vehicles and scenarios, is based exclusively on the money collected during the missions, which is kept at each game over and put "in the bank" so that it can be spent in this way. There are altogether twenty-six different cars and (at the moment) five scenarios: although lower than in the first episode (but we are talking about much larger maps), the many possible combinations make the game experience very varied and multifaceted, since they can create completely different situations.

The PAKO 2 review

For example, you could focus on the solidity and simplicity of driving a van within an intricate setting, in which to let the police cars spread over the facades of buildings while chasing you, or maybe put yourself in control of a car. snappy and opt for a location full of wastelands, which allows you to travel along the dirt roads as well as the roads proper, placing very few obstacles to your tasks. It only takes a few hours to unlock all the maps, while for vehicles the speech is naturally longer and you will have to choose your priorities, but in all cases the result is very convincing and the yield of the weapons actually makes the difference: try to knock down a patrol with a pistol or a powerful shotgun, and you'll see.

The PAKO 2 review

From a technical point of view PAKO 2 substantially improves the initial concept of the Tree Men Games series, adding elements and subtleties. We also appreciated the almost pixel art style, the attention to detail and above all the implementation of an effective physical model, perfectly functional to the action. Unfortunately on the iPhone X we encountered a big "battery drain" problem, but we are sure it will be resolved quickly with an update.


Tested version iPhone Digital Delivery App Store Price 2,29 €




Your vote

PAKO 2 is an excellent sequel, which consolidates and enriches the original formula by delivering a truly compelling and fun experience. The huge unlockable scenarios, very different from each other, and the many cars that we will be able to buy during the campaign give life to unique situations, in which you will find yourself making tight switchbacks in the middle of intricate urban views or throwing yourself from a hill towards a desert wasteland, all while dozens of patrols chase you and you return fire. There are moments of great show in PAKO 2 that deserve to be experienced, all in a premium package with a negligible cost and without the shadow of a microtransaction. Mission accomplished, in our opinion.


  • Captivating and well implemented gameplay
  • Excellent technical achievement, especially on the physical level
  • Lots of vehicles, huge scenarios ...
  • ... but at the moment there are only five
  • Some uncertainty in the frame rate
  • It consumes a little too much battery
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