Trick to earn Amrita quickly

    Nioh: Cheats To Earn Amrita And Level Up Quickly [PS4]

    Trick to earn Amrita quickly


    In this guide we see the fastest ways to accumulate Amrita and level up in Nioh.

    Don't forget to also check out Nioh's complete help sheet for other helpful guides on this game.

    Much like the Dark Souls games, too in Nioh to level up fast you will need a lot of Amrita, which others is not the correspondent of the souls that we find in Dark Souls. In Nioh l'Amrita in so many different ways such as killing monsters, completing objectives, offering to the shrine, etc.

    Now let's see first the classic methods to earn Amrita, then we will see a trick that will allow you to speed up the process to buy time.

    Upgrades: One of the simplest ways is to use certain bonuses that multiply the XP earned, such as oracles.

    Kill the enemies: this is the main activity of the game, don't miss the simple to kill ones that guarantee good doses of easy Amrita.

    Offerings to shrines: at the shrine it is possible to offer the objects found during the missions to receive Amrita in exchange.

    Spiritual stones: are scattered around the game world and will guarantee different amounts of Amrita.

    Equipment Bonus: Exactly as for the upgrades, there are also some weapons or armor that have the effect of multiplying the Amrita collected during the missions, with the difference that the effect will last for as long as you wear / use the equipment in question.

    Don't waste the Amrita: if you die with a certain amount of unspent Amrita, it is subtracted and deposited in the place where you die. You can obviously travel to the place of death to retrieve the Amrita, but it will not be easy to retrieve it. In fact, when you die, all enemies in the world (excluding bosses and NPCs) reappear in their place, even those already killed. If you die while trying to recover the lost Amrita, it will be permanently and forever lost. Moral of the story? Spend the earned Amrita as soon as you can, as you may lose it and be unable to recover it.

    Trick to earn Amrita quickly

    In addition to the conventional methods we have just seen, for Amrita's farming there is a fairly simple trick that will make you earn a lot in a short time. Here's how to do it.

    In order to use this method, you must first defeat the boss on Demon Island. Once done, head to the shrine near the hot spring and rest there. After healing and refreshing yourself, enter the room on the right side. Here you should find 3 Yokai, kill them to gain around 1.200 Amritas in less than a minute.

    Since the shrine is incredibly close to your location, you can rest and repeat the process over and over to earn lots of easy experience points.

    In addition to this method that can be used in the early stages of the game, here is another one shown in the video to exploit, linked to the secondary mission "Finders Keepers":

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