Medal of Honor Warfighter - Guide to unlockable weapons, nations and soldiers

    Medal of Honor Warfighter - Guide to unlockable weapons, nations and soldiers

    Medal of Honor Warfighter - Guide to unlockable weapons, nations and soldiers


    One of the most interesting innovations introduced in the multiplayer of Medal of Honor Warfighter it concerns the possibility given to each player to choose a nation to "support" in the online battlefield of the game. Once we have chosen a country we can dive into the battlefield, start leveling up and then unlock a variety of infantry units related to your chosen country.

    Each unlocked character / soldier carries with him several primary and secondary weapons, therefore the more we level up the more weapons we will have available in the choice of equipment.

    Below we propose a list that indicates for each of the 70+ levels to be climbed in multiplayer which nations, soldiers and weapons are unlocked. Here it is for you:


    Level xx
    Nation - Unit - Weapon


    Level 2
    Polish - GROM Assaulter - HK 416

    Level 3
    Norwegian - FSK / HJK Assaulter - HKG3

    Level 4
    US - Army SFOD-D Sniper - Larue OBR 5.56

    Level 5
    ROKN UDT / SEAL Sniper - McMillan Tac 300

    Level 6
    Russian - Spetsgruppa Alfa Demolitions - AKS-74U

    Level 7
    Norvegese - FSK/HJK Demolitions - MK 16 PDW

    Level 8
    English - SAS Heavy Gunner - M240

    Level 9
    German - KSK Heavy Gunner - HK MG4

    Level 10
    Svedese - SSG Pointman - AK 5

    Level 11
    Australiano - SAS-R Pointman - F88

    Level 12
    Canadese - JTF-2 Spec Ops - DD MK18

    Level 13
    US - OGA Spec Ops - HK MP7

    Level 14
    US - Navy SEAL Assaulter - HK 416

    Level 15
    Canadese - JTF-2 Heavy Gunner - M249

    Level 16
    ROKN UDT/SEAL Spec Ops - HK MP7

    Level 17
    Swedish - SGG Sniper - McMillan Tac 300

    Level 18
    Russo - Spetsgruppa Alfa Pointman - AK-103

    Level 19
    Polish - GROM Demolitions - HK 416C

    Level 20
    English - SAS Assaulter - DD M4V1

    Level 21
    US - Navy SEAL Heavy Gunner - M240

    Level 22
    US - Army SFOD-D Spec Ops - DD MK18

    Level 23
    Australian - SAS-R Sniper - Larue OBR 7.62

    Level 24
    Norvegese - FSK / HJK Pointman - F88

    Level 25
    US - Navy SEAL Demolitions - AA-12

    Level 26
    Tedesco - KSK Assaulter - HK G3

    Level 27
    ROKN UDT/SEAL Heavy Gunner - M249

    Level 28
    Swedish - SSG Spec Ops - DD MK 18

    Level 29
    Russo - Spetsgruppa Alfa Sniper

    Level 30
    Polacco - GROM Pointman - AK-103

    Level 31
    English - SAS Demolitions - HK 416C

    Level 32
    US - OGA Assaulter - DD M4V1

    Level 33
    US - Army SFOD-D Heavy Gunner - M240

    Level 34
    Australiano - SAS-R Spec Ops - HK G3

    Level 35
    Norwegian - FSK / HJK Sniper - McMillan CS5

    Level 36
    US - Navy SEAL Pointman - Larue OBR 5.56

    Level 37
    German - KSK Demolitions - HK 416C

    Level 38
    Canadian - JTF-2 Assaulter - EBR

    Level 39
    Svedese - SSG Heavy Gunner

    Level 40
    Russo - Spetsgruppa Alfa Spec Ops - AK-103

    Level 41
    Polish - GROM Sniper - TAC50

    Level 42
    Inglese - SAS Pointman - F88

    Level 43
    US - OGA Demolitions - MK 16 PDW

    Level 44
    US - Army SFOD-D Assaulter - HK 416

    Level 45
    Australian - SAS-R Heavy Gunner - HK MG4

    Level 46
    Norwegian - FSK / HJK Spec Ops - HK G3

    Level 47
    US - Navy SEAL Sniper - McMillan Tac 300

    Level 48
    Tedesco - KSK Pointman - Larue OBR 5.56

    Level 49
    Canadese - JTF-2 Demolitions - HK 416C

    Level 50
    ROKN UDT/SEAL Assaulter - DD M4V1

    Level 51
    Russo - Spetsgruppa Alfa Heavy Gunner - PKP

    Level 52
    Polish - GROM Spec Ops - AK-103

    Level 53
    English - SAS Sniper - McMillan CS5

    Level 54
    US - OGA Pointman - AK-103

    Level 55
    US - Army SFOD-D Demolitions - MK 16 PDW

    Level 56
    Australian - SAS-R Assaulter - EBR

    Level 57
    Norwegian - FSK / HJK Heavy Gunner - M240

    Level 58
    US - Navy SEAL Spec Ops - HK MP7

    Level 59
    German - KSK Sniper - TAC50

    Level 60
    Canadese - JTF-2 Pointman - Larue OBR 5.56

    Level 61
    ROKN UDT/SEAL Demolitions - AA-12

    Level 62
    Swedish - SSG Assaulter - HK G3

    Level 63
    Polacco - GROM Heavy Gunner - M249

    Level 64
    English - SAS Spec Ops - DD MK18

    Level 65
    US - OGA Sniper - McMillan CS5

    Level 66
    US - Army SFOD-D Pointman - Larue OBR 5.56

    Level 67
    Australian - SAS-R Demolitions - AA-12

    Level 68
    US - OGA Heavy Gunner - M249

    Level 69
    German - KSK Spec Ops - HK G3

    Level 70
    Canadian - JTF-2 Sniper - TAC50

    Level 71
    ROKN UDT/SEAL Pointman - Larue OBR 5.56

    Level 72
    Swedish - SOG Demolitions - AA-12

    Level 73
    Russian - Spetsgruppa Alfa Assaulter - HK G3

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