👨‍💻15 Passive Income Ideas to Earn More in 2022

We all remember 2020, right?

Well, given the frankly unprecedented turmoil, it makes perfect sense that many people are on the hunt for side jobs and passive income streams to bring home some extra cash and build wealth.

Sia che tu stia cercando di lavorare meno (o per niente) o semplicemente di ricaricare il tuo reddito normale con un piccolo extra in più, il tuo conto bancario sarebbe senza dubbio grato per una piccola entrata di denaro.

There's no reason you should work hard to earn more. In fact, there are many ways to generate passive income without investing much of your time or labor.

So, if you're looking for passive income ideas, you've come to the right place. In this article, we lay out a number of ways to earn passive income and explain the major pros and cons of each.

Okay, but what makes passive income?

Essentially, it comes about when you don't need to put too much continuous effort into a revenue stream (AKA living the dream).

A differenza della maggior parte dei lavori, che richiedono di timbrare il cartellino per 8 ore al giorno, si tratta di idee o progetti di business redditizi che puoi praticamente impostare e dimenticare.

So, check out all of our passive income ideas and see if there's a match for your interests.

1. Open an online store

👨‍💻15 Passive Income Ideas to Earn More in 2022

Eager to move on to products?

While it might seem like a large operation, running a small to medium-sized online store doesn't necessarily need to take up too much time.

Anche se potresti non essere in grado di avere esattamente il reddito passivo, poiché devi fare un po’ di manutenzione del tuo sito web e del tuo inventario, investire in un negozio online scalabile è un ottimo modo per fare soldi online.

Pros of an online store

  • Sell ​​anything. Whatever range of products you choose to offer, there's likely a niche for you.
  • Direct revenue. This is a passive income idea where the money comes directly to you for every product sold.
  • Scalable. From loose change to thousands of dollars, an online store can make you money in the short and long term.

Contro di un negozio online

An example of a successful online store

To see how an online store can be done right, check out Forrest, a Lithuanian company that uses a resources4gaming store to offer edible and aromatic delights.

2. Start a blog

A blog is the perfect way to convert your existing passion into wealth. No matter what you care about or have to say, there will be an audience out there eager to read it.

In the short term, a blog is a good place to share your thoughts and insights on just about anything, and over time the attention and traffic you manage to bring to your blog can become a way to earn some extra income.

Whether you post ads, add affiliate links, or attach an online store, your blog can generate passive income in a variety of ways.

Pros of running a monetized blog

  • Cover any topic. Qualunque cosa ti interessi, un blog è un posto in cui trasformare l’argomento dei tuoi sogni in flusso monetario.
  • Generate continuous traffic. Once your blog is up and running and you have a reliable traffic source, it's easy to support yourself.
  • Independent. You don't need to partner with anyone else to start your blog. It is one of the passive income streams that you can completely control yourself.

Cons of running a monetized blog

  • Indirect income. A blog is not a passive income stream in its own right; you still have to monetize it.
  • Work in progress. Unlike other passive income ideas, a blog requires regular updates and maintenance to ensure you keep making money.
  • Competition. Most blogs struggle to make money in an already competitive market.

An example of a successful blog

A great example of the kind of freedom a successful blogger can enjoy is Nomadic Matt. By monetizing his travel blog, Matt not only finances his nomadic lifestyle, but profits from it.

3. Create an online course

👨‍💻15 Passive Income Ideas to Earn More in 2022

Questo è per le persone esperte là fuori che vogliono trasformare la loro intelligenza in ricchezza.

Unlike online classes or traditional teaching, pre-registered online courses only need to be registered once, then purchased and accessed by students whenever they want to learn what you have to offer.

Anything from beginner piano to aerospace engineering can be taught online, so whatever your experience, there's a chance to make money. Your skills are the product.

Pros of creating an online course

  • Wide audience. Online courses are a great way to earn money regardless of the skills you need to share.
  • Low investment. You can create an online course for virtually free from home.
  • High profile. Se vuoi avere un’immagine pubblica, un corso online è un reddito passivo che ti farà emergere.

Cons of creating an online course

  • Initial time investment. Before you start earning passive income, you need to put in the effort to create a short-term online course.
  • Knowledge and specialization are required. To earn money through an online course, you need to be able to offer a real experience.
  • Platform dependent. Most online courses are hosted on third-party platforms.

An example of a successful online course

One online course we love is Learn How to Farm Mushrooms the Low Tech Way from GroCycle. The interesting and informative course is a great additional income stream for the mushroom growers who bring it together.

4. Sell digital products

👨‍💻15 Passive Income Ideas to Earn More in 2022

In addition to selling physical products through an online store, you may also choose to sell digital downloads. This is usually a type of media that people want to use on their phones or computers.

Most types of creative digital projects can be sold as digital downloads, including but not limited to:

  • eBook
  • Software
  • Music and audio
  • Grafica e arte digitale
  • Photography
  • PDF

The selling concept works the same way as any product sold online, but instead of getting shipping information, you provide your customers with a download link for the product they are looking for.

Pros of selling digital products

  • Download illimitati. There is no limit to the number of people who can purchase and download your products.
  • Nessun inventario. There is no need to manage inventory or ship items to the customer.
  • Constantly scalable. You can always increase your income more from the same products.

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Cons of selling digital products

  • Initial time investment. Sviluppare un prodotto digitale per il download significa investire una discreta quantità di tempo e possibilmente denaro nel progetto.
  • Rischio di copie. There's a disappointingly high chance that someone will steal your money-making idea from your creation.
  • Niche market. Many digital products only appeal to a limited audience, making them difficult to sell on a large scale.

An example of a successful digital product company

5. Affiliate Marketing

👨‍💻15 Passive Income Ideas to Earn More in 2022

You've probably heard of affiliate marketing before, but did you know it's one of the most popular (and profitable) passive income ideas?

Affiliate marketing involves you (the publisher) sending traffic to third-party companies (the advertiser) and pocketing a share of the revenue they make from the sales.

Companies in most industries run affiliate programs, so you can pretty much pick the niche that you think promises the most wealth.

Questa idea per fare soldi è perfetta per coloro che vogliono davvero mantenere le cose passive.

Pro del marketing at affiliateazione

  • Rendimenti elevati. Successful affiliates can make millions every year.
  • Flusso di reddito passivo. This is one of the purest passive income streams that allows you to earn while you sleep.
  • B2B income. Vieni pagato dalle aziende, il che significa che non devi trattare con i clienti da solo.

Cons of Affiliate Marketing

  • Competition. Because it's one of the simplest passive income ideas, affiliate marketing is a super competitive industry.
  • Employee. Ti affidi a società partner di terze parti per guadagnare denaro; il marketing di affiliazione non è entrate dirette.
  • Just a share. Remember that you will only earn a small percentage of the revenue your partners make.

An example of a successful affiliate

There's a good chance you've heard of Skyscanner. The price comparison site allows users to find the best deals on flights and vacations, but did you know that it makes most of its revenue from affiliate marketing?

6. High Yield Savings Account

👨‍💻15 Passive Income Ideas to Earn More in 2022

High-yield accounts are a form of federally insured savings bank account and offer interest rates far above the average bank account.

While a regular account could currently earn you about 0,07% annually on the amount you have in your bank, a high-yield account could be as low as 1,5%.

This is the perfect form of passive income if you already have a lot of start-up capital and don't currently have any other great ideas about what to do with it.

Over time, High Yield Accounts are a reliable form of income.

Pros of a high yield savings account

  • Reliable income. Because these types of savings accounts are federally guaranteed, they are one of the safest places to keep your money.
  • Risparmio a lungo termine. This is a great option if you're hoping to save money over an extended period of time.
  • No job. Because this style of saving only requires you to put money into a savings account, it is one of the more passive forms of income.

Cons of a High Yield Savings Account

  • Nessun ritorno enorme. At around 1,5% per year for average interest rates, this form of savings pays off only if you have a large amount of capital to start with.
  • Nessun guadagno a breve termine. Probabilmente dovrai aspettare alcuni anni con i tuoi soldi in banca prima di iniziare a vedere rendimenti decenti sui tuoi investimenti.
  • Lega il capitale. Anche se i tuoi soldi sono investiti in un conto ad alto rendimento, non sarai in grado di accedervi o dovrai affrontare sanzioni se vai nel profondo.

An example of a high yield savings account

Vio Bank è una banca online che consente agli utenti di accedere ai suoi servizi di conti ad alto rendimento con depositi a partire da $100.

7. Stock index

👨‍💻15 Passive Income Ideas to Earn More in 2022

Famously, probably the most successful investor of all time, Warren Buffett, recommended becoming an index stock investor as a way to secure a passive income in the stock market for future life.

An index fund is a form of mutual fund, which carries shares for all stocks within a specific index. This means that the performance of the fund, and therefore the money you are investing, tracks the performance of the index as a whole.

As a passive income, investing in index stocks is similar to having savings in a high-yield account, but with a little more potential risk and reward.

Pros of an indexed stock

  • Low commissions. The fees associated with buying and managing index stocks on an investment platform tend to be significantly lower than with other types of stocks.
  • Low taxes. In general, index-tracking stocks generate less taxable income than comparable dividend-paying stocks.
  • Low risk. These are highly diversified stocks, making them a great choice for low-risk investments.

Cons of an indexed stock

  • Linked to an index. Because the performance of the money you're investing is tied to an index, you'll enjoy the highs of the stock market but suffer the lows.
  • Management fees. To avoid getting caught up in the vagaries of the markets, it's wise to have a fund manager actively manage your money, which will add to your fees.
  • Profits are calculated on average. Because your stock is diversified across the market, you are at risk of being limited by underperforming stocks.

An example of an indexed action

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is an index that tracks the stocks of the top 30 rated companies in the United States.

8. Real estate market

👨‍💻15 Passive Income Ideas to Earn More in 2022

Real estate might seem like the type of investment reserved for the wealthy, but with the help of real estate mutual funds, anyone can get a share of the stock.

A real estate investment trust is an organization that owns and manages real estate but allows investors of any size to invest in properties and reap the rewards in the form of dividends.

This means that you don't have to buy the property outright or even think about managing it. You simply invest an amount you feel comfortable with and enjoy passive income in line with the size of your investment.

Pros of real estate investments

  • It is not necessary to buy. Non è necessario investire tutti i soldi nell’acquisto di proprietà per generare reddito passivo.
  • Properties managed for you. You can set and forget them while the trust manages the properties you have invested in.
  • Relatively high yields. For the amount of risk you're taking, this form of investing is relatively profitable.

Contro degli investimenti immobiliari

  • Lack of control. If a trust manages a property on your behalf, you won't have much to say about how it is managed.
  • Unpredictable market. Since many trusts invest in holidays or short-term rentals, there is definitely market related risk.
  • Slow to scale. Poiché sei legato a proprietà specifiche, è difficile scalare rapidamente questo tipo di investimento.

An example of a successful real estate investment

One of the best-known trusts in the United States is the Federal Reality Investment Trust.

9. Sell used items on social media

Sure, social media platforms are great for judging old school friends and finding out what your weird uncle's current gripe is, but they're also an earning opportunity just waiting to be claimed.

If you're just looking to make some cash, you can rummage through your closet to see what you no longer need that someone might be buying. However, there are many users who make good money buying used items and turning them over for a profit.

Whichever approach you choose, this can be a real money spinner.

Pro di vendere oggetti usati sui social media

  • Quick start. As long as you have something to sell that someone would be interested in buying, you can start making passive income instantly.
  • Sell ​​anything. As long as it's legal and someone is going to buy it, you can sell anything you like on social media.
  • (Usually) tax free. If you're simply selling personal items, you likely won't have to pay taxes on this income.

Contro di vendere oggetti usati sui social media

  • Constant work. Buying and selling on social media takes some work, so you won't be making money while you sleep.
  • Low returns. Unless you can buy very low and sell very high, you will make modest margins with this passive income stream.
  • Risky. If no one is interested in the assets you bought to sell, you are likely to lose capital.

An example of a successful social media salesperson

Do you want to become famous? Do you have a passion for something?

Se hai nuova un’idea di contenuto, qualcosa da dire, idee da condividere o semplicemente alcuni video divertenti da caricare, puoi entrare nello spirito di guadagno con la piattaforma.

Successful creators can earn money from the ads that play in their videos, as well as sponsorships, affiliate ads, selling their own products, and more.

11. Start a Podcast

👨‍💻15 Passive Income Ideas to Earn More in 2022

Podcasting has seen a huge surge in popularity over the last 5 years, with everything from political news and analysis to true crime and reality TV recaps being heard by millions of people around the world.

The breadth of topics podcasts cover makes it easy to find an audience within any niche you're interested in filling.

Podcasting shares another similarity with YouTube in that it is not a direct revenue stream, but instead requires you to monetize it. This leaves the door open for a variety of revenue streams from just one podcast, maximizing the money you make.

Pros of opening a podcast

  • Low investment. As long as you can afford a laptop and some basic recording equipment, you can start making passive income from a podcast tomorrow.
  • Only basic skills are required. While you will improve over time, you can get started and make money podcasting with little skill.
  • It can be fun. Of all the passive income ideas on this list, this one probably has the highest potential for being enjoyable.

Cons of starting a podcast

  • High competition. Ci sono decine di migliaia di podcast là fuori, rendendo difficile sfondare e guadagnare entrate passive.
  • You need a good perspective. To get started with podcasting, you need a good idea to get attention.
  • Indirect income. Since your income would likely come from advertising or subscriptions, this is a less direct way to earn money as a side job.

An example of a successful podcast

A great podcast with a large following and thousands of listeners every week is Behind the Bastards. The show makes money from advertising and its merchandise shop.

12. Automotive advertising

👨‍💻15 Passive Income Ideas to Earn More in 2022

Do you own a car? Great, you can turn that into passive income.

Car advertising involves having your vehicle printed with ads for a specific company. As you drive, people will see ads.

By working with companies like Carvertise by Wrapify you can get virtually any vehicle you have covered with ads, as long as you have a full points license and are actively driving.

This is an unconventional, low-volume method of advertising that can make you a little more money.

Pros of automotive advertising

  • Driving cost compensated. Cars are usually just an expense, this way they become a way to bring in cash instead.
  • Choose advertisers. Unlike many online advertisements, you have a choice between advertisers.
  • Earn offline. If you're looking for a way to earn some passive income without using the internet, this is a simple solution.

Cons of car advertising

  • It's literally on your machine. Se non ti senti a tuo agio a guidare con gli annunci sul tuo veicolo, non vale la pena investire in questo.
  • Not scalable. Unless you plan to drive more than one car at a time, you're limited to one vehicle.
  • Not a huge income. You could expect on average around $100 to drive around ads about your car.

Un esempio di pubblicità automobilistica

Check out Carvertise if you are interested in advertising with your car.

13. Rent on Airbnb

👨‍💻15 Passive Income Ideas to Earn More in 2022

Do you have a free room? List it on the Airbnb vacation rental site.

Rental properties in top locations can make a lot of money every night, which means that even if you only get a single room for free and you only rent it for a few nights a month, you can still earn some income from the platform.

Il bello dell’affittare il tuo spazio libero su Airbnb è che puoi decidere quando sei felice che le persone rimangano e quando preferisci avere lo spazio per te.

You can also rent out your home when you go on vacation, which means you can cover part of the cost of your vacation with someone else's.

Pros of renting on Airbnb

  • Monetize existing space. With Airbnb, you can start earning passive income from an otherwise empty spare room.
  • Not (necessarily) taxed. In most cases, you don't have to pay taxes on the income you earn from Airbnb, just the service fee.
  • No expertise. In this way, anyone can cash in on a rental property without the need for specific skills.

Cons of renting on Airbnb

  • Sharing your space. Stai lasciando che degli estranei entrino nel tuo spazio, che potrebbe essere la tua casa.
  • Constant maintenance. You will need to keep the space you rent clean and in good condition.
  • Regional readings. Many places where Airbnb challenges the local tourism trade have regulations against prospective renters.

An example of a successful Airbnb renter

14. Rental of depots

👨‍💻15 Passive Income Ideas to Earn More in 2022

Se non hai abbastanza spazio nella tua casa o appartamento per riporre tutti i tuoi effetti personali, potresti rivolgerti a un fornitore di self-storage per spazio extra. L’affitto è generalmente inferiore a quello di uno spazio residenziale e puoi entrare e uscire a tuo piacimento.

The self-storage industry is currently worth a staggering $38 billion a year, and while you might think that large corporations constrain ownership of drives, as many as 73% of all self-storage units are owned by individuals or small businesses.

Buying warehouses or subletting them can be a great source of money to make a passive income.

Pros of deposit rental

  • No need to lift a finger. In generale, le persone possono accedere ai loro depositi senza la tua assistenza, tutto ciò di cui devi preoccuparti è la manutenzione generale, rendendola un reddito ragionevolmente passivo.
  • Rendimenti elevati. This is a billion dollar industry with the potential for big bucks if your position is right.
  • Reliable income. Since people tend to rent out long-term storage, it's relatively easy to predict your month-to-month income.

Cons of deposit rental

  • Infrastructure. Unlike the online passive income ideas on this list, storage rentals are tied to a specific location and require a fair amount of infrastructure.
  • Slow scaling. Going forward with passive income ideas, these warehouse rentals are relatively difficult to scale quickly, as they are location based and require a significant amount of capital.
  • Insurance. È probabile che l’assicurazione costituisca una delle principali preoccupazioni e costi in quanto operatore di un magazzino o struttura di auto-stoccaggio.

An example of a successful depot rental

The 804th richest man in the world, B. Wayne Hughes, established his $3 billion fortune in the warehouse rental business.

15. Create an app

👨‍💻15 Passive Income Ideas to Earn More in 2022

Do you have a digital solution to an everyday problem? Maybe you've come up with a cool new way to connect people? Or maybe you just know one great game that other people will want to play?

If you see yourself in one of the previous options, it might be time to create an app.

While this idea definitely requires more time, experience, and investment than the other passive income ideas on this list, it's also the one that has the highest potential to make you a millionaire.

There are many different ways to monetize your app, from simply running ads to getting users to purchase subscriptions. Whichever way you choose to go, this can quickly generate impressive passive income.

Unfortunately, if you don't know how to code, you'll probably just have to give up and get someone else to build your idea for you.

Pros of building an app

  • High yield potential. Con app di successo che raccolgono milioni di download, le entrate potenziali sono altissime.
  • Multiple income structures. Whether you prefer subscriptions, advertising or in-app purchases, how you earn is up to you.
  • Possibilità di aggiornamento. Once your app is up and running, you can update it whenever you need to.

Cons of building an app

  • High initial investment. Le app richiedono molto tempo e denaro per essere costruite prima di iniziare a generare entrate.
  • It requires skill. To program an app, you must have, learn, or hire the necessary skills and knowledge.
  • Aggiornamenti necessari. To stay relevant, you'll probably need to update your app regularly.

An example of a successful app

Bitmoji is an app that allows users to create an avatar character which they can then use in custom emojis. This simple but successful app mainly earns money through advertising.

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