Guide to all contents and areas of the Kripta

Guide KRIPTA Mortal Kombat X: ALL unlockables and coordinates to find them

Guide to all contents and areas of the Kripta


Also in the new Mortal Kombat X the Kripta returns, the deadly area of ​​the game that acts as a hub for all the unlockables in the game.

Guide to all contents and areas of the Kripta

In the list below you can find all areas into which the Mortal Kombat X Krypt is divided with indications on how to access and on what is kept inside them. For each object, (Drawings, Fatality, etc.) are in fact reported the exact coordinates of the place where it is located with the relative cost in coins to be paid to unlock the same item.

Guide to all contents and areas of the KriptaRelating to Fatality e Brutality I advise you not to spend money to unlock them as you will only need to run them once even in training mode to add them to the character's command list. To know all the combinations, feel free to use our guide to the commands of the Mortal Kombat X Fatalities and the guide to the commands of the Brutality of Mortal Kombat X.

Costumi: There are no costumes in the list because we have covered them in a separate guide, the guide to unlock all the costumes of Mortal Kombat X which also includes those that are not unlocked from the Kripta.

Interactive Objects: although they are also present in this list, we refer you to the guide to the interactive objects of the Krypt of Mortal Kombat X which will help you find objects such as the rocket launcher, the fireball, the sword, etc. which must be used to gain access to locked areas of the Krypt.

Kamidogu: this is a particular item to always find in the Krypt which unlocks a special secret area, the Netherrealm. For more details follow the guide to find the Mortal Kombat X Kamidogu.

Krypt Gateway

This is the first area of ​​the Kripta from where you enter the Spider Kave and Shao Khan's tomb:

400 Koins
Coordinates: 0, 1
Coins to unlock: None

Skip Fight Award
Coordinate: -1, 2
Coins to unlock: 1,400

Kotal Khan Fatality: Tight Squeeze
Coordinates: 1, 2
Coins to unlock: 1,280

Frozen Graves

Here is accessed by going through the gate after the Kripta tutorial:

Skip Fight Award
Coordinates: 0, 11
Coins to unlock: 1,600
(Found inside a gold chest after entering the area)

Walkway of Souls

Scorpions Spear
Coordinate: -13, 19
Coins to unlock: None

Sub-Zero Brutality: Splitting Image
Coordinate: -16, 20
Coins to unlock: 55

Reapers Pass

Kung Lao (concept art)
Coordinate: -4, 15
Coins to unlock: 1,400

Emperor’s Courtyard (musica)
Coordinate: -4, 16
Coins to unlock: 1,300

Kenshi Fatality: My Puppet
Coordinate: -2, 16
Coins to unlock: 1,520

Kung Jin (concept art)
Coordinates: 1, 5
Coins to unlock: None

Easy Fatality Award
Coordinates: 0, 5
Coins to unlock: 980

Mileena Kutie (icon)
Coordinate: -1, 7
Coins to unlock: 1,180

Outcast Erron Black
Coordinate: -2, 9
Coins to unlock: None

Mileena Brutality #5
Coordinate: -2, 10
Coins to unlock: 4,980

Ermac (concept art)
Coordinate: -1, 6
Coins to unlock: None

Reptile Brutality 5: Bo Dash
Coordinate: -1, 9
Coins to unlock: 5,040

Ferra Torr Fatality: Play Time
Coordinate: -2, 8
Coins to unlock: 2,350

4,000 Koins
Coordinate: -2, 7
Coins to unlock: 1,200

Ermac Brutality: Soul Eater
Coordinate: -1, 6
Coins to unlock: 1,980

Shinnok Fatality: Flick Trick
Coordinate: -2, 11
Coins to unlock: None

1,000 Koins
Coordinate: -1, 11
Coins to unlock: 350

Endurance Cassie Cage
Coordinate: -1, 10
Coins to unlock: 2,100

Kitana Brutality: Lost Girl
Coordinates: 1, 7
Coins to unlock: 5,200

Shinnok (concept art)
Coordinates: 1, 8
Coins to unlock: 1,320

Johnny Cage Brutality
Coordinates: 1, 9
Coins to unlock: 6,120

Ermac Fatality: Head Out
Coordinates: 1, 10
Coins to unlock: 1,200

Danger Fight Modifier
Coordinates: 2, 10
Coins to unlock: 1,260

Garden of Despair

To enter the Garden of Despair, follow the frozen path to the right of the Frozen Graves entrance.

Cassie Cage Brutality 4: Beat Down
Coordinate: -5, 7
Coins to unlock: 5,500

Fight Modifier: Tilting World
Coordinate: -5, 8
Coins to unlock: 1,200

Ferra Torr Brutality 4: Twisted
Coordinate: -5, 9
Coins to unlock: 6,000

Shirai Ryu Takeda
Coordinate: -5, 10
Coins to unlock: 1,300

Kenshi Brutality 3: Leg Up
Coordinate: -7, 7
Coins to unlock: 7,000

Scorpion Kutie (icon)
Coordinate: -7, 8
Coins to unlock: 1,520

Shinnok Brutality 4: Have a Nice Day
Coordinate: -8, 7
Coins to unlock: 5,600

Boot Camp Jacqui Briggs
Coordinate: -8, 8
Coins to unlock: 1,900

Raiden Brutality 4: Inside You
Coordinate: -8, 9
Coins to unlock: 5,560

Khotal Khan Brutality 6: Dry Rub
Coordinate: -7, 10
Coins to unlock: 5,500

Frost Path

Kitana Brutality 5: Back that Up
Coordinate: -19, 20
Coins to unlock: 6,800
(You have to open the gold chest at exactly 18pm to find this one).

Sub-Zero Iceball Item
Coordinate: -21, 20
Coins to unlock: None
(this object is used to access other areas of the Kripta)

Wolf Passage

Wrestling Kombat Fight Modifier
Coordinate: -19, 16
Coins to unlock: 2,200

Cemetery Grounds

Exit the Wolf Passage to enter the Cemetery Grounds, under the entrance to White Lotus Temple.

Dead Woods (arena)
Coordinate: -18, 7
Coins to unlock: 1,880

Dead Woods (arena)
Coordinate: -18, 9
Coins to unlock: 1,120

White Lotus Temple

6,000 Koins
Coordinate: -20, 4
Coins to unlock: None
(You will need to use Liu Kang's fireball to get these coins. Read below to find out where to find this fireball in the Krypt)

Turbo Kombat Fight Modifier
Coordinate: -19, 2
Coins to unlock: 120

Kung Lao Brutality: Grind Away
Coordinate: -20, 1
Coins to unlock: 3,210

Raiden Brutality: Dark Force
Coordinate: -19, 3
Coins to unlock: 3,240

Quan Chi Fortress (concept art)
Coordinate: -19, 3
Coins to unlock: 780

Liu Kang Fatality: Splitter
Coordinate: -21, 3
Coins to unlock: 2,640

Reptile Box (icon)
Coordinate: -21, 3
Coins to unlock: 1,240

Jacqui Briggs Fatality: Fist Pump
Coordinate: -21, 2
Coins to unlock: 440

Ermac Brutality: Controlled Chaos
Coordinate: -21, 1
Coins to unlock: 2,640

2,000 Koins
Coordinate: -21, 1
Coins to unlock: 50

D’Vorah Fatality: Broken Heart
Coordinate: -19, 1
Coins to unlock: 900

Takeda Brutality: Two-Sided
Coordinate: -19, 1
Coins to unlock: 2,140

Shadow Spider Kave

Raiden’s Brutality: Power Outage
Coordinates: 6, 2
Coins to unlock: 6,520

Sub-Zero Brutality: Frozen Dinner
Coordinates: 4, 4
Coins to unlock: 7,740

Lin Kuei Temple (concept art)
Coordinates: 6, 6
Coins to unlock: 6,600

Raiden’s Staff
Coordinates: 5,11
Coins to unlock: None
(this item is required to access other areas of the crypt)

2000 Koins
Coordinates: 7, 10
Coins to unlock: 754

Scorpion Fatality: Who’s Next
Coordinates: 3, 10
Coins to unlock: 1,550

Cassie Cage Brutality: Half Day
Coordinates: 3, 12
Coins to unlock: 6,540

Fan Art 4: Raiden
Coordinates: 7, 12
Coins to unlock: 1,650

Kavern of Doom

Ferra/Torr Brutality: Play Thing
Coordinates: 18, 2
Coins to unlock: 2,140

Scorpion Pit

You can access this area only if you have taken the Scorpion's Spear object, also in the crypt.

Easy Fatality Award
Coordinates: 19, 10
Coins to unlock: 50

Spider Gem
Item required to access the Room of Sacrifice.

Room of Sacrifice

Takeda Kutie (icona)
Coordinates: 0, 25
Coins to unlock: 1,320

Johnny Cage Brutality: Bring It On
Coordinates: 0, 27
Coins to unlock: 6,320

Chamber of Bones

Mileena Brutality: Tele-splat
Coordinate: -5, 14
Coins to unlock: 5,540

Kung Lao hat
Coordinate: -7, 12

Kotal Kahn’s Brutality: Sawed Off
Coordinate: -8, 13
Coins to unlock: 280
(to get this item you have to get it exactly at 00:59)

Widows’ Pass

Reptiles Claw
Coordinates: 6, 30
Coins to unlock: None
(this item is required to access other areas of the crypt)

Coordinates: 5, 32
Coins to unlock: 1,520

Kotal's Cavern

To unlock this area you have to solve the puzzle of the levers. The solution is to pull the levers in the following order: 4, 1, 3 and 2.

Jacqui Briggs Brutality: Gun Show
Coordinates: 21, 33
Coins to unlock: 2,120

2000 Koins
Coordinates: 21, 35
Coins to unlock: 250

Kotal Khan’s Sword
Coordinates: 22, 34
Coins to unlock: None
(this item is required to access the Shadow Spider's Hive area).

The Hanging Bridge

Jinsei Chamber (concept art)
Coordinate: -5, 26
Coins to unlock: 700

Erron Black’s Fatality: Six-Shooter
Coordinate: -8, 27
Coins to unlock: 220

Scorpions Brutality: Shirai Ryu Fire
Coordinate: -8, 27
Coins to unlock: 2,260

Jax’s Brutality: Ground Breaking
Coordinate: -5, 27
Coins to unlock: 2,400

The Cove (concept art)
Coordinate: -7, 28
Coins to unlock: 470

Ermac’s Brutality: We Win
Coordinate: -7, 29
Cost: 111

Skip Fight Award
Coordinate: -7, 29
Coins to unlock: 600


Skip Fight Award
Coordinates: 13, 21
Coins to unlock: 1,120

Quan Chi Fatality: Both Ends
Coordinates: 18, 30
Coins to unlock: 1,530

Shadow Spider’s Hive

Takeda (concept art)
Coordinates: 8, 39
Coins to unlock: 300

Liu Kang (concept art)
Coordinates: 8, 40
Coins to unlock: 2310

Kenshi's Katana
Coordinates: 5, 30
Coins to unlock: None
(this item is required to access other areas of the crypt)

Outworld Marketplace (arena)
Coordinates: 7, 42
Coins to unlock: 1150

Shao Khan's Tomb

Fireball by Liu Kang (Fireball)
Coordinates: 0, 6
Coins to unlock: None
(this item is required to access other areas of the crypt)

Sub Zero’s Brutality: Pick Your Brain
Coordinates: 1, 6
Coins to unlock: 7140

Kano’s Brutality: Just The Tip
Coordinate: -1, 6
Coins to unlock: 6450

2000 Koins
Coordinates: 2, 8
Coins to unlock: 980

Kuantan Jungle (concept art)
Coordinates: 4, 8
Coins to unlock: 1240

Grotto of Gore

Dark Pass

Kung Lao's Fatality: Flower Pot
Coordinate: -7, 17
Coins to unlock: 2650

Mileena (concept art)
Coordinate: -6, 17
Coins to unlock: 780

Ermac’s Pendant
Coordinate: -5, 18
Coins to unlock: None
(this item is required to access other areas of the crypt)

Refugee Camp BGM
Coordinates: 7, 17
Coins to unlock: 2300

Hall of Betrayal

Quan Chi Kutie (icona)
Coordinate: -2, 19
Coins to unlock: 1650

Fan Art 2 (concept art)
Coordinates: 2, 19
Coins to unlock: 1400

Corridor of Blood

No Turtles Fight Modifier
Coordinates: 7, 10
Coins to unlock: 980

Easy Fatality Award
Coordinates: 8, 9
Coins to unlock: 1100

Lost Mausoleum

Raiden (concept art)
Coordinate: 0, -3
Coins to unlock: 1520

Kitana’s Fatality: Splitting Hairs
Coordinate: 0, -3
Coins to unlock: 1980

Sub-Zero Box (icon)
Coordinate: 0, -1
Coins to unlock: 1420

2,000 Koins
Coordinate: 5, -1
Coins to unlock: 860

Skip Fight Award
Coordinates: 4, 0
Coins to unlock: 1100

Kano (concept art)
Coordinates: 0, 2
Coins to unlock: 2280

The Kove BGM
Coordinates: 0, 3
Coins to unlock: 1680

Fan Art 3 (concept art)
Coordinates: 5, 3
Coins to unlock: 1140

Acid Falls

Quan Chi (concept art)
Coordinate: -7, 23
Coins to unlock: 1870

Jinsei Chamber (music)
Coordinate: -3, 23
Coins to unlock: 1340

Khans Stronghold

Jax's Rocket Launcher (Rocket Launcher)
Coordinates: 0, 12
Koins Coins to unlock:
(this item is required to enter the Shrine of the Dead area).

Liu Kang Brutality: Dragon’s Den
Coordinate: -1, 12
Coins to unlock: 2980

Ermac’s Brutality: Gluttony
Coordinates: 1, 13
Coins to unlock: 1240

Quan Chi’s Brutality: Touch of Death
Coordinates: 1, 12
Coins to unlock: 2840

4000 Koins
Coordinates: 1, 14
Coins to unlock: 1140

Erron Black Kutie (icona)
Coordinates: 1, 15
Coins to unlock: 1420

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