👨‍💻How to make money with artificial intelligence – Better methods and platforms

👨‍💻How to make money with artificial intelligence – Better methods and platforms

You've come here, so you know what AI is and you've probably played with it before.

Seeing its potential, you will have asked yourself: will there be a way to earn by exploiting this technology?

Yes, it is possible to make money with AI and in this article we are going to see all the possibilities that we currently have, both in terms of platforms and methods.

The best platforms to make money with artificial intelligence

The best platforms to make money with artificial intelligence are:

Chat GPT

ChatGPT is the service that started the backfire on artificial intelligence.

Thanks to its conversational approach, you can ask it to do anything writing it as if we were talking to another human being.

Obviously making absurd requests to him, the answer will be adequate.

But if we learn to handle and manage it, we will find many ways to earn with ChatGPT.

Generally qThis service can do everything we'll see next, when we will talk about the various methods of making money with artificial intelligence.

Except generate images, but for this there is another platform that I will cover shortly.

How much

ChatGPT is free for everyone. There is a Premium version that costs €20 a month and allows access at all times, even when the servers are full and not everyone is able to use it.

It also makes text generation faster and you will have access to implementations before others.


As more and more sites offer AI content creation, platforms are emerging that check content originality.

Originality.ai, as you can see from the image below, is one of the latest arrivals and is one of the few to be able to identify text generated by artificial intelligence in a few moments with a 94% accuracy.

In this way we will be able to try to understand if the texts are written by human beings or by artificial intelligence

I've tried many systems that promised to detect text written with an algorithm, but this is the only one that really succeeded.

Clearly, having been born in the United States, she prefers the English language, but she also gets along very well in Italian.

How much

The cost of Originality is €0.01 per 100 scanned words.

The system works on credits and one credit allows you to check 100 words. The cost of a credit is €0.01, a really low price.

It means that for an article in a long format of 5000 words you will spend €0.5 and you will have the relative certainty that the content is original and that whoever wrote it has not “cheated” you.

Or you can use it in advance on content that you create to anticipate any objections from the customer.

Adding this certification allows you to increase income for each job carried out of several tens of euros.

By stating that you attach a check that it is written by a human, you can raise your prices by doing abundantly return the cost of the service used.


Jasper.ai is an artificial intelligence service that has been on the market for many years and until now it has been the reference point for anyone wishing to produce content.

You can select of make him write long texts (articles, ebooks, etc.) or titles for social campaigns, content summaries and much more.

If you want to try it, a promotion is running that gives you away 10.000 free words to use.

To take advantage of it, you must register via this link and fill out the form that will appear on the bottom right.

Below you see what you will have to do to get these free credits.

If that doesn't seem like much to you, this article is about 3000 words long. So you'll be able to write 3 like this without having to pay a dime.

Earnings also come from savings! Then if you don't like it, you don't activate the paid plan and that's it.

How much

Jasper price is € 59 per month to be entitled to 50.000 words. If you need 100.000, it goes to €82 and so on, but there is a precise calculator on the site that will let you figure out the cost in advance.

Remember that if you register with my invitation, you will get 10.000 words for free.


At this point we are dealing with three platforms that operate in a completely different sector, namely that of image generation through artificial intelligence.

Midjourney is a Discord channel where you can request images from a bot that will generate them for you.

As you can see below, the basic operation is rather superficial. To obtain excellent results you have to try and try again until you find the right solution.

My request was:

Human with artificial intelligence brain typing on mac computer. In the background a rain of money.

James prompt

Once the prompt has been made (that is, the textual request), the system will generate 4 images with artificial intelligence and show them to us in the chat.

We can go on to make them more and more precise and coherent with what we want by increasingly specifying the characteristics we want to have.

How much

The basic operation of Midjourney is free and the system is currently in beta.

You can register and use it without problems to generate as many images as you want. You may be a little scountry since you will have to deal with Discord, which is far from simple to understand.

If you have problems write me in the comments and I will try to help you.

Give her

Dall-e is the image generation system thanks to artificial intelligence made by OpenAI (the company that created ChatGPT). This makes us understand how powerful this tool is.

To test it, let's propose the same prompt (request) made in Midjourney and see how the results are.

We see that the interpretation is completely different, but honestly this is not at all satisfactory either.

How much

A 1024×1024 image generated with Dall-e costs €0.02 (source: openAI).

Upon enrollment we will receive 50 free credits and 15 credits will be recharged each month.

Each generation of a set of 4 images costs one credit.

Credits cannot be accumulated and expire after one month.

stable diffusion

Stable diffusion is an image generator using machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Just enter the site, write what we want and he will offer us the result.

After writing the request we will have to wait a few minutes for our turn to arrive and the system will generate what we want.

Still using the usual text, we see that the images are totally different from the two platforms seen previously.

This thing is nice, in that it is as if each had their own approach. Clearly we could standardize the output as much as possible by going to say the technique.

I could specify the Dali style or a pixelated style. By doing so they would start to all produce the same thing.

This behavior is preferableif it's about making money. In fact, it is important to have deterministic systems, i.e. systems that always give the same result for the same input.

How much

Stable Diffusion is free to use and you don't even need to register to use it. Just go to their site and enter the prompt

The best ways to make money with artificial intelligence

In recent years, many people have started looking for ways to make money using artificial intelligence, either through theautomation of repetitive tasksi that through thedata analysis to improve their business.

Now we will see the best ways to earn, analyzing the winning strategies which can be used by anyone to create a second entrance.

All of this always reminding you that AI is not perfect and everything it creates has to be validated by humans as it could be completely wrong.

Write lyrics

One of the main fields of use of artificial intelligence, since its inception, has been that of content creation.

Indeed, it can be used for create content faster and more efficiently, saving time and increasing productivity.

In case you were wondering… Google isn't against AI-generated content. In fact, as he writes on his official blog "Rewarding high-quality content, however it is produced" (dated February 2023).

So if we offer users something of quality, regardless of how it was produced, we will not be penalized.

Here are some of the various possibilities you can explore to make money with automated writing.

Create a blog with AI-generated content

The fastest way to create something of your own is to start a blog using AI to produce long form content (800 words or more).

In this way you will be able to publish articles frequently, understand faster which articles work and which don't and keep your audience always interested.

There are various platforms that offer automated writing services, but my favorite is Jasper.

You will be able to provide him with tips and suggestions and he will proceed by writing what you want.

The other option is of course catGPT, which has a much more user friendly interface but at the moment lacks quality in the texts produced and many revisions are needed by the creator.

Alternatively, you can use the AI ​​to fix already written articles or to suggest keywords and short summaries, such as summary bullet points.

Offer copywriting services with AI

There are platforms like Copy.ai and Writesonic and the aforementioned Jasper that allow you to create slogans, product descriptions and other types of promotional content quickly and efficiently.

However, even then, you will still need to check and review the AI-generated content to ensure its quality.

Their strong point is be able to give you hundreds of ideas in seconds which you will then go to review to choose the best one or to get ideas and create your own version.

Offer machine translation services

If you are a foreign language expert, you can offer translation services using AI to boost your productivity, delegating the heavy work to her and keeping only the final control work to yourself.

There are platforms like DeepL that use artificial intelligence and deep learning to translate texts quickly and efficiently.

Analyze texts

AI can be used egr identify spelling errors and grammatical, check for plagiarism and also for analyze if the text was written by a human or gives an algorithm.

Thanks to machine learning, in fact, these operations will be faster and more precise.

Here are some of the various possibilities you can explore to make money with automated text analysis.

Offer auto-correct services

This method assumes that you already have some language or proofreading expertise.

In fact, you can use different services to help you be more efficient and productive.

There are various tools like Grammarly that use artificial intelligence to detect the most common problems present in textual content.

You can use these tools to identify and correct errors in your customers' texts, saving time and increasing productivity.

This way, you can offer a quality service and increase your earnings.

Offer plagiarism checking services

There are various tools like SurferSEO that use artificial intelligence to locate parts of texts that have been copied from other documents.

This way, you can help your customers avoid legal problems or penalties from Google and increase their credibility.

Identify if a text has been written with artificial intelligence

As the use of AI in writing increases, there will be ever more need to identify whether a text was written by a human being or by an algorithm.

You can offer text analysis services using services that integrate artificial intelligence and use it to understand where a text comes from.

One of the most famous is Originality.ai, which has a well-designed interface and has a good degree of approximation.

This way, you can help your customers understand whether the text they are reading was written by a person or by an algorithm.

This can be useful in various fields, but do not use it too heavily in fields such as information. In this case, inform yourself and use sources beyond any doubt (preferably human).

Write or fix code

One of the activities to which chatGPT has drawn attention is certainly the management of the programming code.

In this context theartificial intelligence can be really devastating, as it does not have to use fantasy or imagination: the rules are clear and each language has its own format.

Once the algorithm knows how to play it, it will have no problem winning. As a former programmer I have tested it and I have to say it is very impressive.

If we manage this opportunity well, we will be able to make money with artificial intelligence creating plugins or pieces of code for us or to resell.

Here are some of the various possibilities you can explore to make money with automated coding and analysis.

Offer automatic coding services

If you're good at coding, you can use AI to offer automatic coding services.

ChatGPT is one of the best to create custom programming code based on specific requests.

This way, you can offer a quality service and save your customers time. But always remember to test and retest the final program

You can earn offering this service on freelance platforms like Fiverr, where clients look for professionals to do specific jobs. By doing this you can start small and see if the game is worth the candle or not.

In this way, you will be able to acquire a good reputation and have customers who ask you for more and more work.

Create plugins or themes for WordPress using AI

A 2022 research found that 43.2% of all existing websites are made in WordPress (source Hubspot).

Considering these numbers, you will understand well that if you choose to specialize in this platform i customers and profit will never fail.

The choice is divided into two alternatives, i.e. whether to develop Plugin, so pieces of code that do stuff or fear.

In the latter case you will go to create the graphics of a site, and if this were to please the user could buy it.

You can earn selling your plugins or themes on sites like Themeforest or Codecanyon, in order to reach a wider audience and increase the chances of your work being noticed.

Offer automatic code correction services

Another thing that ChATGPT is incredibly good and fast at is correcting code.

Just copy the code, ask to correct it and you're done.

You can use these tools to identify and fix errors in your customers' code or in your own code, saving you time.

(You have no idea how many hours can be lost because you can't find the line where the semicolon is missing)

Generate images

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a huge opportunity to make money through image generation.

Using free services we will be able to create high quality images that we will use for the most diverse purposes.

Offer custom image creation services on Fiverr

If you want to make money by offering custom image creation services, I recommend always using Fiverr or UpWork.

You will be able to offer your image generation services, such as creating a logo for a company, an illustration for a book or an image for an advertising campaign.

Simply enter all the specifications and start generating until you find a satisfactory graphic to submit to the customer.

My advice is to specialize in a certain style of imagery, such as freehand drawings or more realistic images, to meet the specific needs of your customers and increase your compensation.

Unfortunately given the competition at the beginning you will have to ask for the minimum price to build up a sufficient user base and receive votes that will allow you to grow as you go.

Create design graphics for your website or social media

Another option is to create design graphics to place on your website or use on social networks.

Trivially, you can also copy and paste the text of an article within the platform and ask for it to generate an image that describes its content.

I don't guarantee the result, but can give unexpected results that can help us open our minds.

Plus, you can too offer your custom design graphics services to other bloggers or website owners, further increasing your earning opportunities.

Manage SEO

If like me you need to become an SEO expert to better position your blog or that of others, you could take advantage of artificial intelligence.

In fact, this will give you a big hand to optimize your and your customers' websites to make you earn money from this activity.

Keyword research

One of the more interesting options could be to use AI-powered keyword analysis tools.

These tools allow you to find low-competition keywords that could help your client's site rise in the SERPs.

Additionally, some platforms use AI to analyze competitor content and provide specific recommendations for ranking.

Find the search intent

AI can open your mind by helping you understand what users are looking for when they type a particular query. This can help you create relevant content and high quality products that meet their needs.

Also, some platforms can also help generate eye-catching headlines and descriptions that increase the CTR (clicks made on the article), improving the visibility of the site.

solo this information makes the difference between success and failure of an article. This is to make you understand how important this step is and how valuable and monetizable it is.

Manage Socials

Artificial intelligence can be a great ally for social media management and can offer numerous revenue opportunities.

We can in fact automate some activities saving time and improving effectiveness of social media marketing strategy.

Create targeted ads

One of the most effective ways to leverage AI to make money with social media is to create perfect ads.

Once the reference target has been identified, we can set this data for establish an adequate level of conversation.

Will use terms and language typical of that age group which instead a 40-year-old marketer would hardly be able to replicate.

Create engaging posts

Another very interesting way to leverage artificial intelligence for social media management is to create high-quality posts that increase community engagement.

In a few clicks we can do generate a myriad of ideas for original and engaging posts. In this way we will only have to do the selection work by eliminating all the inappropriate ones.

We will be able to use the result for ourselves or we will deliver it to our customers to start their campaigns.

Bot per fare trading

We can use artificial intelligence to create bots that operate in the financial markets and act according to our indications.

This may seem complex and reserved only for those with programming skills.

In reality, many platforms, mostly in the field of digital currencies, allow creation of bots to do crypto trading with artificial intelligence in an easy way.

Thanks to this type of automated investment we will be able to achieve important gains in a completely passive way, provided that we are able to set up the bot correctly from the beginning.

To do this we must be able to understand the market phase, note any supports and resistances and go and analyze those values ​​periodically.

In this way we will be able to set it from time to time to ensure that it always offers the maximum possible gain in a given period.


Artificial intelligence has entered our lives and will never go away.

As we have seen, there are additions that we don't even notice while others are more obvious.

Fortunately there is still a long way to go before people can be replaced en masse (and I doubt that will happen), but if we can seize the right opportunities we could make a lot of money.

The first thing to do is understand that the AI ​​is not an enemy, but an ally who wants to serve us. We just have to figure out what to ask and how to ask.

Then it will be enough to delegate more and more activities to get more free time or to create more and more profitable projects.

Whether it's text, images or video, there's no limit to what we can do.

The last thing to remember is that this intelligence cannot replace ours, Then we must always train, be up to date and on point if we want our results to be up to par.

Find out how to earn €85 online!


This This article is for informational and NOT educational purposes only. The topics covered are not to be understood as financial advice suggesting the sale or purchase of the financial securities covered.

We must always think with our own head and act only if we are clear on what we are doing. If not, better stay put.

In any case, only invest capital that you are willing to lose, because that is what could happen!

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