Bioshock Infinite - Finding all the gear and infinite lockpicks [360-PS3-PC]

    Bioshock Infinite - Finding all the gear and infinite lockpicks [360-PS3-PC]

    Bioshock Infinite - Finding all the gear and infinite lockpicks [360-PS3-PC]


    We have already seen how to get infinite money in Bioshock Infinite, now let's see how to accumulate some lock picks and power-ups.

    Even this glitch can always be used in the same place, that is, near the Hall of Heroes.

    Infinite lock picks
    From the outer square in front of the stairs of the Hall of Heroes, leaving the building you can use the Skylines (tracks) that will take you down towards a group of enemies. In this area go down a little and you will find, under a ladder, a lockpick resting on a series of boards. Grab the lockpick and head back up to the Hall of Heroes, enter (so you can see the loading screen) and then exit again. Returning to the previous place you will find another lockpick. Repeat the process as many times as you like to accumulate as many lockpicks as you want. Here is a video showing the process

    Endless equipment
    The same trick used to earn money and lockpicks can also be used for Equipment. This can be an important help considering that equipment and upgrades only appear randomly in boxes that are often well hidden in the backwoods of Columbia. Here is a method you can use to find all the pieces of equipment in the game, they will continue to appear randomly, but at least you can try as many times as you want. To use this trick, proceed as follows:

    1 - load the chapter "Return to the Hall of Heroes"
    2 - take the Skyline down, cross the square, enter and then take the elevator
    3 - enter the shop located near the carousel with the horses
    4 - use the vigor Shock Jockey on the generator to open the door
    5 - go inside and take the piece of equipment
    6 - go up to the entrance of the Hall of Heroes, enter (so you can see the loading screen) and then exit
    7 - repeat the procedure from point 2 as many times as you want to get other equipment

    The process is a bit long, but considering that the upgrades are not very easy to find it can be worth it, especially since in 1999 mode every additional skill can make a difference. Here is a video showing the process.

    Any other guides for this game? See the Bioshock Infinite cheats sheet

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