Trick to earn Real in Assassin's Creed 4

    Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag: Infinite Money Tricks

    Trick to earn Real in Assassin's Creed 4


    We see an exploit that, at least until a probable patch, we can use to earn infinite money in Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag.

    Trick to earn Real in Assassin's Creed 4

    To start accumulating all the Real you want you will have to continue playing the main story until you get to the Sequence 2, Memory 3. By playing this chapter, keep going until you find 3 Templars around a table. Approach to bring up the pickpocket option, then grab all the money out of the pockets of the unsuspecting Templars. You can now pause and reload the checkpoint. In this way the money you have stolen will remain saved, but you will have the possibility to steal it again from the 3 Templars.

    Trick to earn Real in Assassin's Creed 4I remember that in addition to this there are others methods to earn money in Assassin's Creed 4, follow the linked guide.

    Repeat the procedure as many times as you like to get to also earn 35.000 Real in just 7 minutes. When you are satisfied with the money you have earned, reload again, and when the save message disappears, exit the game, start it again and you will find all the money you stole from the three Templars. Of course, you can reload and play Sequence 2, Memory 3 at any time after completing, at least until this exploit is corrected by a patch.

    Check out the tips and tricks tab of Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag for more guides on this game, but first watch the video below which shows the process just described.

    Alternative method

    To take advantage of this second trick and earn infinite money, just find a fast travel spot near any animal whose skin can be sold. The point shown in the video is reached in memory 4, sequence 4, but you can also do it in other points, possibly near animals with precious skins such as jaguars, bears, etc. The procedure is simple:

    find the hunting spot, synchronize, kill and skin the animals, then fast travel to the same spot and repeat everything from the beginning as many times as you like. When you have accumulated enough skins, go and resell them in the shop to earn a lot of money.

    Here is a video showing one of the places where this can be done. We thank Daniele C. in the comments for his contribution to improving the guide.

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